September has flown by. Sue has spent the past two weeks in Illinois and is due back Tuesday night. The CRV and the Tradewinds have been in the shop for body repairs from our accident in August. The m/h has to go back for a better paint match and the CRV is supposed to be done mid-week. An oil change for both vehicles and we will be ready to roll!
We leave here the 22nd of October for Florida and two aviation shows in Tampa and Orlando the first two weeks of November. That will mark the beginning of Jeff's retirement and we'll spend six weeks or so in Florida seeing friends and Jeff's folks. We are planning on being back in Illinois for the arrival of grandbaby #3 in December and will spend Christmas there before heading for Arizona.
We have lots of plans for the winter including seeing Sue's sister in Mesa, an RV meeting in the desert near Quartzsite AZ in January and spending a couple of weeks in Hawaii in February. It will be our first real chance to live on the road and settle into full time RVing. Starting to realize we are falling into the trap of scheduling to much traveling and not enough relaxing!