Friday, August 29, 2008

Ski Areas and Lobster Co-ops

Today was a long day! It started at 9:00AM as we (as in both) met our group for a trip up Marble Mountain's Steady Brook Falls to ride the new zip line that was installed this summer and just opened.
Zip lines have become Sue's new past time and somehow Jeff ended up participating this morning. We were driven part way up the mountain above Steady Brook Falls and rode six lines back and forth across the gorge that encases the Falls.
We had a great time in spite of the occasionally light drizzle and finished up around noon.

Because of the forecast of rain tomorrow we decided to leave the m/h at Marble Mountain and drive south to Stephanville and the Port au Port Penninsula while the weather looked OK. Our drive down ended up in rain but by the time we were out on the peninsula the rain stopped and the afternoon gradually improved.Port au Port was settled on what was then known as the French Shore and maintained its French character through the Newfoundland take over in 1904 until WWII when jobs at the large American airbase built there in 1942 created a large number of good paying, English speaking jobs that replaced the farm and fishing occupations. The move to Stephanville and learning of English replaced the French heritage of most residents until the base closed in 1966.
Today there is an active effort to return to that French heritage reflected in the geography of the French Shore and the names of most families on Port au Port.The trip around Port au Port was breathtaking. The effects of the sea on the exposed Cape is very apparent on the cliffs and seashore. After tramping around the Cape George cliffs we headed around the north side of the peninsula to 13 mile long Long Point.The mostly gravel road leads out to the abandoned community of Blue Beach whose residents were resettled by the government in the 1950s.Today the houses are used by the fisherman as temporary fishing cabins and the lobster equipment is stacked awaiting the reopening of lobster season next spring. The only residents we met on the last six miles of the trip were the rabbits and seagulls.

We stopped in Stephenville for dinner and did not get back to the m/h until 8:30PM this evening and will leave for the Port aux Basques area in the morning.