Today we headed northwest from Shediac to visit the NB Acadian Coastal Region including Bouctouche and Richibuto.

The first stop during a brief but heavy downpour was a soap factory (Olivier de Soaperie) where we were entertained with a lighthearted lesson on making soap and all the cures it could provide.

From the Soaperie we stopped for lunch in Richibuto as we toured the coastal roads stopping to see fishing harbors, lighthouses, and mussel farms.

The entire area reflects the Acadian culture that has persevered and is now displaying its identity in modern New Brunswick.

This is an area from which the British exiled thousands of Acadians after victory over the French in Canada.

One of the coast's major attractions is the 12 kilometer long La Dune de Bouctouche that is now an Eco Preserve sponsored by Irving Oil of New Brunswick. A 2 KM long boardwalk has been constructed to minimize the impact on the fragile sand dune eco system that was an interesting hike after lunch.

The Dune is alive with life including its trademark Blue Herons that feed off the estuary side of the dune.

We returned to Shadiac for dinner at Captain Dans out at the outer harbor,

enjoyed some of a community concert downtown and then returned to the campground just in time to meet Ed and Donna Grober, Canadian RVing friends from Halifax whom we met this spring at the rally in Nashville TN. Ed and Donna have a summer cottage here in Shediac and we spent the evening enjoying their suggestions for the rest of our trip to Atlantic Canada.

We got back to the m/h late this evening and will leave in the morning for PEI.