Our motorhome is parked 37 miles from Shediac if you have a boat! We drove down the NB coast to the Confederation Bridge that connects PEI to the mainland over the 131 foot deep Northumbeton Strait.

Built over three years and completed in 1997 the bridge replaced a ferry system that had been PEI's only connection to the mainland.

The eight mile long bridge is the longest span built over ice covered waters. Tolls are collected one way as you leave the Island and are $41.50 for a car and $83.00 for the m/h and CRV.

After being disappointed with the campground we had made reservations for at Hopewell Cape Jeff is determined to check out the campgrounds before committing ourselves. The first try at this has worked out very well; we are parked on the water at Crystal Beach Campground in Summerside with a beautiful view of the Gulf of St Lawrence side of the Island.