Today has been a relaxing day; this morning we headed back into Fredericton to see the Boyce Farmers Market where Sue picked up some fresh homegrown vegetables and we had a late breakfast. The Market has been in existence for over 50 years, is open year around, and is a Fredericton tradition. Fortunately it is under cover as we woke up to a foggy morning with a steady drizzle that lasted into the early afternoon.
We returned to our campground, dropped off the vegetables and drove up the St John River four miles to King's Landing, a Historic Village that depicts live in New Brunswick in the mid 1850's.

In addition to the normal displays the day's event was a Pauper's Auction, an annual event in the area until near 1900. The group included a opposition group lobbying loudly that the auction, a local copy of the British answer to poverty, was thinly disguised slavery.

The sun came out late this afternoon and we are enjoying a beautiful evening. We leave in the morning for Cape Hopewell Rocks and Fundy National Park to the south of Moncton.