We got an early start this morning and drove through the Fundy National Park to Alma, New Brunswick where we are spending the night. Alma is a quaint seaside town at the entrance to the park that is home to a lobstering fleet and is a tourist mecca during the summer months.

After setting up this noon we drove up the Bay a few miles to Cape Enrage to visit the Cape Enrage Lighthouse and see our first instance of the 40 foot plus Bay of Fundy tides, the highest in the world. We will spend the next couple of days following the NB side of the Bay north and will see the Nova Scotia side and the lower NB coast after returning from Newfoundland in late August.

Cape Enrage must be a wild scene during a winter storm blowing up the Bay but is a great way to spend an afternoon in July. At the point of demolition after the Lighthouse was automated in 1980 the Coast Guard facility at the Cape was saved by a group of Moncton High School students who took on the job of restoring the buildings and grounds and ownership was formerly transferred in 2004 from the Canadian Coast Guard to Cape Enrage Adventures, one of two organizations set up for the student management.

Currently up to 20 students operate the facility including a restaurant, gift shop, zip line, kayaking, and rappelling area down the cliffs to Fossil Beach on the bay. Donations are requested from guests and income from the concessions pay operating costs.

While climbing down to the beach to watch the beginning of the receding tide we watched an 85 year old celebrate her birthday as she has for the past four years by rappelling down the 150 foot high cliff.

As soon as Sue saw her successfully reach the bottom she wanted to check on the zip line ride. Before long Jeff was snapping photos of grandma zipping across the gap not once but twice before she had had enough!

We returned to Alma to watch the tides approaching ebb tide and to enjoy a walk around the peaceful community.

The day ended with a delicious lobster dinner at the Tides restaurant.

Tomorrow we head further up the Bay to Hopewell Cape to see the Hopewell Rocks and more of the tidal bore.