After four days in Arlington visiting our old friends and neighbors we traveled back across the Cascades to Toppenish Washington for the May rally of the Puget Sounders Chapter of FMCA (Family Motor Coach Assn).

The Puget Sounders meet once a month all over the immediate Northwest and include many of our RVing friends from the years we lived here in Arlington.

The Yakama Nations RV Resort is one of several enterprises of the Yakama Indian Nation that encompasses 1.2 million acres on the eastern slopes of the Cascades just south of yakima Washington. Four tribes make up the nation and they have some very unusual beliefs, for instance no alchohol is allowed on the reservation including their casino which is one of the larger ones in eastern Washington.

Toppenish is also known for its large murals painted on the sides of many buildings in the downtown area.

We will spend next week in Arlington and then go up to Anacortes for the Memorial Day weekend.