It is almost unbelievable that this will be our last stop on our Mexican Adventure! We have been on the road 39 days and it seems like a couple of weeks. We will be here three days and then will head for the border Saturday morning.

We are parked on the south shore of Ensenada Bay at the Estero Resort, without a doubt the nicest campground we have been in on the trip.
The sophistication of RV resorts in Mexico is well below that in the US, electricity voltage has varied between 95 and 142 volts, water pressure between 5 and 90 psi, sewers are nonexistent or plugged up so each stop was a new experience. When anyone asked if the next RV Park had 50 amp service, our Wagonmaster Pat's answer was invariably "Yes if you have enough cord to reach San Diego".

The drive today was a short 100 miles of relatively easy driving through hilly farming country. The roads are wider here in northern Baja California which contributed the drivers relaxed frame of mind.

There are large areas of irrigated farming including large strawberry fields as well as a lot of grapes being grown.

We passed the second oldest winery in Mexico (Oldest on Baja) the Santo Tomas Winery while in the foothills but unfortunately could not get in to visit.

Happy Hour this evening was the same staid old group, tonight having a crazy hat contest.

As you can see imaginations have not suffered greatly from all the margaritas! Most of the group called it a night early or headed for the hot tub. We are back in the land of DirecTV so watching the evening news was a big treat!
Tomorrow we leave on a tour of Ensenada at 9:00.