This was our day off for this stop. We met for coffee and doughnuts this morning and had an hour tour of a local glass blowing factory at 10:00AM. After that we were on our own for the day.

We spent the morning shopping and then headed downtown to stroll around and have lunch. Jeff got it in his head that it was a good day for fish and chips but after stopping at six or seven restaurants he gave up on finding them.

We did manage to stop for a beer at the Giggling Marlin while the resident rooster strutted around looking for a handout and found fish and chips on the menu at CaboWabo but they had a half hour wait for a table!

We finally settled on Margaritaville and then stopped at Ace Hardware for a light switch, made a quick stop at Costco for veggies and ice and headed back to the RV. With all these brand names you can see why this is certainly the most Americanized place we have been so far on the trip, and the prices reflect it! Cabo San Lucas was developed as a resort area with the help of the Mexican Government in 1976 and the obvious customer targets were American and Canadian tourists.
Part of the group spent the afternoon on the beach and several went out for dinner this evening. We sat around and accomplished things like watching the cruise ship sail past the park as it departed southeast for the mainland.

Jeff exported some photos for Pat Maitland our Wagon Master and fiddled with the MotoSat which is working great this far south. The satellite system has become our phone service as well as internet using Skype to call US phones for .021/minute.
We have tomorrow free until 3:30PM when we leave for a sunset dinner cruise so it will be more of the same until then. Jeff has to meet an RV repairman who is coming to look at the refrigerator while Sue and a friend are headed for a spa at one of the hotels downtown.