As far south as we had come there were 64 more miles to Land's End when we left Los Barriles this morning. The road follwed the scenic coast for a few miles and then cut inland directly to Cabo San Lucas. When you approach Cabo the sights are spectacular!

A couple of cruise ships added even more impact to our first views of this large tourist area on the south end of the Baja Pennisula.

Our campground is three miles east of downtown located on a cliff overlooking the convergence of the Sea of Cortes and the Pacific. It has its own open air restaurant that we enjoyed later for dinner.

We quickly unpacked and headed for the center of town to reconnoiter and do a little shopping. We will have more time on Tuesday and Wednesday to see the rest of the city and beaches.

We returned for a little late afternoon revelry and then walked over to the restaurant for a sunset dinner as the cruise ships left the harbor.