This morning we pulled out of
Loma Paloma RV Park in
Presdio for our first travel day. Our Tail Gunner Hex waved us out the drive to set the mood and we proceeded through town and across the border into
Ojinaga and headed towards Chihuahua.

We were waved through Mexican Customs and through an Army checkpoint a few miles west of
Ojinaga. The country is very similar to SW Texas and southern New Mexico but we are slowly climbing and approaching the mountains where we board the train in La Junta.

What was very striking was the friendliness of everyone along our route. From the soldiers manning the checkpoint, children, construction workers, and drivers approaching from the opposite direction, everyone stops to wave as you pass. Considering there are 19 of us that takes a little time but they seem to enjoy waving hello and it really is a friendly welcome to Mexico.

The pace was
leisurely and we stopped for lunch before entering the city of Chihuahua, a growing city of 1,000,000 that has
benefited greatly from NAFTA and the trade with the US. We bypassed downtown but the trip through the city took almost two hours.

We are now settled in the Del Fresno
Parador RV Park on the west side of Chihuahua. It was very windy and cool this afternoon so a planned Margarita party was postponed and a few travelers hit
WalMart and Sam's Club (one day and they needed a Wally fix) while the rest visited and wandered over to a new restaurant in a nearby hotel for dinner.
Tomorrow we leave at 9:00AM for a tour of Chihuahua followed by dinner tomorrow evening in the city.