Friday, May 01, 2009

On The Road Again

After almost five months of being parked at Happy Trails, interrupted by a couple of short trips, we are back on the road for the next six months. Our general plan is to spend the next six weeks or so in Utah and Colorado Rockies before heading back to the Midwest for a family gathering in Wisconsin and doctor appointments for Sue. In August we meet Seattle friends in Sault Ste Marie and head to New England and down the East Coast to Florida and Jeff's folks.We spent a couple of days in Las Vegas sightseeing the new hotels (and eating!) before heading to Zion NP to meet up with 20 friends from the RV Forum to start a two week tour of southern Utah's National Parks.Our route took us over Hover Dam after a short inspection of the m/h by Homeland Security who checks each vehicle that drives over the dam. A new bridge over the Colorado River is being constructed to detour traffic away for security reasons.
The new hotels are really lavish and we spent two afternoons checking out three or four of them. Everything from the Eiffel Tower to Flamingos greet you when you come on off the street. We don't gamble but enjoy the City of Lights anyway.