Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saint John

We were up at 5:30AM this morning and were one of the first in line at the Digby ferry terminal for the ferry across the Bay of Fundy to Saint John, New Brunswick.. The morning was dry but foggy so we didn't see anything from the time we left the Annapolis Basin at Digby until we were inside the harbor at Saint John and nosing into the dock three hours later.
We are staying at Rockwood Park inside the city. It is convenient to downtown and is a large city park with plenty of space. The campground isn't the greatest but will do for the three days or so that we will be here.We drove around the city center this afternoon and stopped by the Reversing Falls, one of the main tourists attractions in Saint John. The river was near ebb tide so we visited the visitor's information center and decided to return for dinner around 6:00PM at low tide to see the river in its natural state of fresh water flowing to the sea.The Saint John River is not only a big one with tributaries up in northern Maine and Quebec but one of the deepest with a tremendous flow rate at low tide but will stop and flow upriver when the Bay of Fundy 40 foot tide comes in. We will return here tomorrow on the city bus tour at high tide. We have decided to pass on the jet boat ride through the rapids as it is a wet ride and the temperatures are becoming quite cool.

We plan on seeing Saint John on a city bus tour in the morning and visiting the City Market and Museum after lunch.