Monday, September 08, 2008


Today turned into another of those unplanned happenings that just seems to turn out well! We started in Peggy's Cove with no plans other than to move over to Lunenburg. The weather has been absolutely beautiful with clear skies, light winds, and temperature in the mid seventies, a nice change after the last couple of rainy ones.

We arrived at the Lunenburg Board of Trade Campground around 11:00AM and found a beautiful site that allows us to see the Bay on both side of the peninsula. After getting set up we had lunch on the motorhome and Sue went over to the visitors bureau which is also the campground registration office.We then backtracked eight miles or so to Mahone Bay where we toured the town taking photos, stopping at Hortons for Jeff's coffee, and stopping to pick up a bowl of Gelato for Sue. The Mahone Bay setting is just plain picturesque and we used up lots of digital memory capturing it. The churches along the bay are really intriguing with distinctive steeples and belfries.
Next was a short jaunt over to Bridgewater for Sue to stock up on our last supply of fresh vegetables at the farmer's market and we then just started driving the coast sightseeing. Distinctive landmarks include a cable ferry that shortens the trip across the west branch of the Bay.We then came upon a sign for the Ovens that we had read about earlier in the day. The Ovens is the local name for a series of sea caves that were expanded by mining for gold discovered in 1861. Names like Tucker's Tunnel, Indian Cave, and Cannon Cave are the stops along a 45 minute walk along the sea cliffs to view the caves. The action of the waves are really impressive as they are jammed into the openings.Jeff got a little frustrated with the winding, back road route our GPS used to get us back Lunenburg after leaving the Ovens until we came over a rise and saw Lunenburg Harbor lying before us looking across the Bluenose Golf Course. One of the golfers waiting on the tee told us that this scene adorned the back of the Canadian hundred dollar bill for quite some time.

We finally ended up back downtown about 5:30PM and stopped for dinner before returning to the motorhome. Because neither had had a real washing for some time Jeff washed the CRV and m/h before dark.