Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Our last day in Lunenburg

We started out the day with a walking tour of Old Lunenburg. named as a World UNESCO Site for doing the best job of preserving a planned British colonial settlement it is laid out in a grid pattern and has preserved many historic homes and businesses. One of the unique characteristics of its architecture is know as the Lunenburg Bump, a projecting addition to the front of the home that extends from a roof dormer to the ground. The first floor provides a small entry to remove outer garments, the second floor a "widows" lookout and the third floor room extension.We also visited St John's Church that was extensively damaged in a November 2001 fire and has been completely restored to its original design. The beautiful church is a must stop on a walking tour of the town. We saw several homes reflecting the extensive work done to restore the original architecture of the town's buildings. The Lunenburg Historical District actually purchased some of the structures to prevent the decay, restored them, and then sold them to private parties who agree to maintain them.
Lunenburg also has a good number of murals depicting the character of the town.This afternoon Sue went touring the shopping district on Lincoln Street while Jeff headed back to the Fisheries Museum to finish yesterday's tour. In addition to a Park Canada section displaying the history of the Grand Banks fishery there are extensive rooms full of the artifacts of the town's ship building, fishing, and seafood processing industries.Shows covered such things as launching new ships and all the taboos that went with them such as never using any part of pigs on the boat and never launching on a Friday the 13th or Sunday.
After watching a video on Captain Angus Waters and the Bluenose Jeff was invited to a dory ride around the Lunenburg harbor with a couple of the retired fishing captains who work the Museum and two other couples who were on the quay.Dinner tonight was a delightful meal at Magnolia's Grill, a small, eclectic restaurant that can hold no more than 20-25 people but has some of the most highly regarded meals in Lunenburg. The scallops were great and we followed up with a drive out to Blue Rocks, a small fishing village out on the point a few miles past Lunenburg.