After a few showers this morning the weather turned cool and clearing for a chance to see St John's on a beautiful day.

We revisited Signal Hill and the comparison of yesterday's photos with today's show what we missed during the tour of the city.

We also had a chance to spend an hour or so in the Signal Hill Visitor's Center and learn the civilian and military history of the Hill.

On our way back downtown we stopped to check out one of the many examples of how Newfoundlanders paint their homes in multiple colors. Local lore is that the paint used for painting boats was not taxed so enough paint was always ordered to paint the house.

After a break for lunch downtown Sue did a little shopping while Jeff checked out the Railway and Coastal Museum on the south end of Water Street.

The Newfoundland Railroad and Coastal Boat system passed from Government sponsorship to private ownership back to government ownership again before being shut down in 1949 as highways became the lifeline across Newfoundland.

Development of Newfoundland's mining and lumber industries were completely dependent upon the railroad and helped the Province survive the decline of the cod
We finished the afternoon doing a little shopping and returned for the m/h for dinner at home. Tomorrow we will take advantage of the good weather by driving north to tour Conception Bay.