She arrived back in a steady rain shower with about five pounds of fresh raspberries and after hooking up (in the rain) we got back on the road. After another 40 miles we stopped in Grand Falls-Windsor to restock the refrigerator. While Sue shopped at Sobey's Foods Jeff filled up with our first diesel refueling in Newfoundland for $5.60USD a gallon. Fortunately it will be almost enough to get us off the island. We parked in Sobey's lot and had lunch in the m/h in the middle of a thunderstorm.
By then it was 1:30PM and the GPS was telling us we wouldn't arrive in Rocky Harbour until 5:45PM or so. We decided to head west and see how far we got as the day was pretty well wasted. The weather improved, the road was great, and the traffic light so we pulled into Rocky Harbour, located in the Gross Morne National Park shortly before 6:00PM.
After getting parked we learned that Anchors Aweigh, a local group that provides Newfoundland folk entertainment would be playing at 9:00PM in the Pub at the Ocean Motel. Because they would not be on again until Friday evening after we left Rocky Harbour we headed down to the Ocean Motel for dinner around 7:00PM and then purchased tickets and chose our seats by 7:45PM to insure a seat.
By the time the group started at 9:00PM we were both exhausted and were almost ready to leave but that changed in a hurry! Last night we were entertained in a community hall by seven middle-aged ladies who very professionally gave us a taste of Newfoundland music and culture. The show started at 7:00PM and the intermission included Toutins (Fried flatbread) and Tea and a chance to buy the group's CD's. A great deal of the music was written by one of the group but they also sang many Newfoundland old favorites.
Tonight could not have been a bigger contrast with the Split Peas but was just as enjoyable and the two shows have given us a taste of Newfoundland that we will never forget.