Rain seems to be the order of the day around here! We awoke to light rain that turned to drizzle around 10:00Am. By noon it stopped so we had lunch and headed downtown to spend the afternoon at the Newfoundland & Labrador Folk Festival at Bannerman Park.

Even though the weather was cool and occasionally drizzling there was a good crowd who had an enjoyable afternoon.

One of the side shows was a kitchen party by a group of French Labrador musicians who spent some time describing growing up in Labrador and having large parties showing up to sit around their kitchens enjoying food, music, and drinks.

The main stage changed performers every 20 minutes so we had a chance to sample a large variety of local music.

We had a great time and stayed until the afternoon session ended at 5:00PM.

As we returned to the CRV we passed more of the multi-colored housing that identifies Newfoundland but is disappearing as homes are resided with aluminum siding that unfortunately seems to come in one color!