This morning it was moving day, we left Summerside to move to mid-island to spend the next couple of days visiting the capital of Charlottetown and Green Gables in Cavendish. The trip was a long 27 miles! After getting settled and having lunch we headed to Charlottetown to do a little sightseeing for the afternoon, have dinner, and attend the evening Festival presentation of Anne of Green Gables.

One of Charlottetown's major accomplishments was hosting the first Canadian Confederation Conference in September 1864. This conference led the way to the formation of modern Canada and is beautifully presented using graphics and audio-visual presentations.

The Charlottetown Conference was planned to be a discussion of maritime union of New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and PEI but due to a constitutional crisis in the province of Canada a delegation from Canada arrived to propose consolidation of all British North America. After 9 days of meetings and debate it was decided to continue the process with a meeting in Quebec City that eventually led to the final approval of Consolidation in 1867. The movement continued with the purchase of the Hudson Bay Company's vast holdings and the addition of British Columbia on the west coast. Newfoundland and Labrador become provinces in 1949.
PEI was undecided on joining but local lore describes the process as the island being railroaded. PEI had built a railroad whose debt became unmanageable and joined the Canadian Confederation under the condition that Canada assume the debt!

One interesting sidelight was a very informative presentation by a nearby lobster house owner on lobsters including how they grow and reproduce and how to cook them.

We then toured the waterfront and the cosmopolitan business district to pass the afternoon.

The final stop was at Province House to see the Confederation meeting rooms.

Dinner helped pass the time until the 7:30PM curtain on the Anne of Green Gables musical. We got back to the m/h around 10:30PM and will be spending tomorrow in Cavendish.