After a two day stay in Harrison Hot Springs BC we have returned to Arlington so our Alaska trip is officially over.
We traveled 5565 miles since we left in May and really had no problems to speak of. The majority of the roads were better than we expected but when they were bad it was time to slow way down! We had only one chip in the right side windshield of the motorhome. The CRV also picked up a chip but it happened in downtown Prince George in June and can hardly be blamed on the roads to Alaska. The film shield we installed on the front cap of the motorhome prevented any dings from the many rocks that hit us on the gravel roads.
The used m/h spare tire was returned to Les Schwab Tire Co today for a full refund that was partly used to pay for tire rotation and balance for the CRV. The one tire problem was a nail we picked up in the CRV while cruising the outskirts of the Hyder town dump looking for bears. We had been told not to go out there and it was good advice!
Alaska is one of those BIG destinations for RVers and it was worth the trip. Nowhere we have been can claim the combination of space, beauty, ocean beaches, mountain glaciers, great fishing, wild game, and the midnight sun! We'll have the memories of all of this for the rest of our lives and there is much we did not see and do.