What a night! We arrived an hour and a half early for loading on the ferry so it was an hour and a half late. We had a good time waiting though and got to watch a very complex and interesting operation of preparing and loading a large seagoing ferry like the California Star. In addition to our 16 RV's there were approximately 50 automobiles and we think 80-100 semi trailers, some with tractors, loaded in about a two hour period.

When we finally were loaded we all gathered for a nice light midnight meal and retired to our staterooms for a few hours rest.

If you remember our Portuguese friends have Ontario license tags "LuvShack" so it was probably kismet that they received stateroom 69!

Sunrise came early and we were all up to see our arrival at the port of La Paz in South Baja.

The unloading went quickly and without a hitch for us but we then sat for almost two hours getting through a massive army inspection point looking for drugs and contraband. Almost all goods for Baja and up into California come through La Paz so it must be a natural route into the United States.

We drove through La Paz and then 50 miles south over the mountains to Los Barriles on the east coast of Baja, It is an idyllic little town on the water and we will spend three days here 4 wheeling, boating, fishing, and relaxing.

We arrived in time for a pig roast sponsored by the local Rotary Club in support of a local fund drive to raise money for air conditioning for the school. The club was started by a group of gringos who winter here (or live here full time) and it was a lively party!