What a day!
The plan for the day: Get up and accompany our wagon masters Pat and Alice on a hike up to the Canyon rim for a spectacular view of Davisidareo, depart for Bahuichivo at noon for a 2:30PM arrival and a bus tour of a Mission, Indian girl's boarding school and dinner at the local hotel and return to the train around 7:30PM for a good night's rest before departing for an 11 hour trip Tuesday to our train debarkation point, Los Mochis.
The hike went fine until 3/4ths of the way up to the canyon rim when I stopped to take photos and realised I had left the camera battery in the charger in the motorhome and the spare in our backpack in the same place! Luckily another couple had another model Panasonic that used the same battery and had their spare.

We returned and departed Davisidareo at noon and made it about two miles before pulling over to a siding to await a faster moving passenger train. (All trains move faster than our flatcars loaded with RVs).

As soon as that train passed we moved another 10 miles or so to Areponapuchic and pulled over there to await two more passenger trains. While sitting in the station the women got their final chance to buy the baskets made by the local canyon Indian women so it wasn't a wasted half hour.

We departed Areponapuchic, traveled another 7-8 miles and got pulled over again, this time for another hour and a half for three more trains!

By then the weather had turned warm and sunny, everyone was outside, and the parties began. The group at the front of the train were having a beer bust, we were on wine and cheese, and a margarita party was in full swing to the rear of the group. Also on the rear of the train a card game was hotly contested. The passengers on the other trains were waving and cheering as they slowly passed; they missed a great time!

While a two and a half hour delay might daunt some, not us! We had such a good time we stayed outside for the rest of the afternoon and enjoyed the camaraderie and scenery when we finally got under way.

When we did arrive in Bahuichivo we piled into a bus for a 40 minute ride down the canyon to the mission established in the early 1600s and the Indian girls boarding school next door. Some of the students come from as far away as Los Mochis, a 50 mile trip.

Dinner was another quiet affair and we returned to the train and called it a night!