We departed
Cuauhtemoc at 7:30AM this morning for a 36 mile drive to La Junta to load everyone aboard flat cars and tie the vehicles down. We climbed from the high plains of Chihuahua state to the
mountains surrounding the Copper Canyon and are now at 7200 feet.

The loading went very well and entertained everyone most of the morning. The men loading us do so four days a week through the winter months so they know what they are doing. Around 7:00AM the three lines of cars will be shunted together and we will be on our way.

After lunch a local Catholic priest arrived to accept clothing and supplies for Indians in the surrounding mountains. The caravan managed to fill his pickup and most have more to donate to a school we will visit in a few days.

To celebrate our departure we were to have a margarita (What else!) party around the cars this afternoon but the high mountain winds picked up to 35-40 mph this afternoon so we had a first for most of us, a party in a box car. We all climbed in an empty box car hooked to our flat cars, threw up the chairs, and had a great time! (I am beginning to think this group can have fun anywhere!)

After the party we all walked a few blocks downtown to Rosita's for dinner and were entertained by local dancers including some of our own. By then it had been a long day so we all headed back to our RVs, pulled up our ladders and retired for the night.

The train pulling out will be our alarm clock in the morning.