We awoke around 6:00 this morning to the sounds of yard locomotives humming, freight cars being shunted, and metal ramps being thrown onto our flat cars.

The scheduled time for our unloading was 7:00 but we were ready long before then! The trip down the canyon was fascinating but after five days of being loaded on the train with no slides or room to move around we were all ready to get off.

After carefully maneuvering our RVs off the train we were underway around 10:15 to the Hotel Playas Las Glorias and RV Park on the beach west of Gusave. The drive was only 66 miles but was very slow going because of many Topes (towpays), large bumps in the road that will damage vehicles who do not slow down. Topes make speed traps almost unnecessary in Mexico and may or may not be marked so taking it easy is very wise.

We arrived at the RV Park around 1:00 and after getting set up had the afternoon to unwind and clean up from the train. Our site is absolutely beautiful and the view couldn't be more of a contrast after the last few days in the canyon. About mid afternoon Sue asked what the object was on the beach, and it turned out to be not the log Jeff thought but a large seal. The photo was taken out the window of the motorhome.

We gathered at 4:00 for a little fun including a Yo Yo contest and listening to Ted's renditions of Margaritaville and other favorites.

We took a drive down the beach (literally) looking for a restaurant but found many closed because of a lack of power or customers (or both) and returned to eat here at the hotel.We have two more days to unwind here listening to the gentle roar of the surf before heading down the coast to Mazatlan.